Boccara Gallery enthusiastically presents Sonia Delaunay’s Monumental II. This incredible tapestry perfectly embodies Delaunay’s distinctive art style and is the culmination of her work.
Sonia Delaunay was known for her unique approach to composition, combining Cubism and Futurism with a keen sense of color. Geometric shapes and planes of color overlap and intertwine, creating harmonious movement guided within the angular lines. Delaunay created an iconographic language that is easily recognizable in all of her artwork; Monumental II combines all of the symbols, colors and shapes that she typically used, resulting in the magnum opus of her career, a truly monumental piece.

-Sonia Delaunay: A Retrospective. Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1980. A similar copy is reproduced on page 210.
-Stanley Baron. Sonia Delaunay, her life, her work. Ed. Jacques Damase, Paris, 1995. A similar copy reproduced on page 183.
-Tapestries by Sonia Delaunay, Exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Weber, Paris 1972. A similar copy reproduced on pages 20-21